Monday 20 April 2015

Carpet Cleaning Against Marked-up Rugs

Permanent markers can be found in just about any house in Allen, and for good reason. These products are very versatile and can be used in a variety of household chores. For example, writing on posters, signs, and garbage bins helps to keep the family organized and your house clean and neat. People of all ages put these items to use, yet marker stains can be some of the most annoying and common stains to end up on our carpeting. Before you muse over how to get these spots out, it can help to learn what is contained in the marker. This may help with your carpet cleaning methods.

Marker Ingredients

A permanent marker contains resin, ink, powder, water, and dyes that could include various other chemical additives. Moreover, there is a wide range of markers that can be utilized by homeowners, such as permanent ones, highlighters, and non-permanent. Now that you know more about the added ingredients in these objects, you can learn how to combat them with some carpet cleaning solutions.

Method One

The first thing you can do when marker stains get into your rug is to use some bleach if your carpeting is white. By diluting the bleach in some water, you can blot out the marker stains. This carpet cleaning technique may need a few applications to be fully successful. For other carpeting colors, you can stir together a tablespoon each of  milk and white vinegar, as well as one teaspoon each of borax and lemon juice. Mix this combination together and pour it directly on the marker stains. Allow the solution to sit on the rug for about ten minutes and then use a white rag, cloth, or paper towel that is damp to blot out the spots very gently.

Method Two

Some people in Allen find that a mixture of rubbing alcohol works well on carpets that experience a high amount of foot traffic. You can use a clean, white paper towel or rag, apply some rubbing alcohol to the fabric, and then blot out the marker stains in a gentle manner. Follow up with some carpet cleaner (which can easily be found in a Allen grocery store.)

Method Three

Yet another carpet cleaning technique is to use the juice from a lemon or lime and apply it directly on top of the spots. Then you can use a clean, dry paper towel or cloth to blot out the splotches. More fragile carpets and rugs would do best with this treatment if you dilute the lemon or lime juice with a bit of water.

Method Four

Another carpet cleaning technique uses hairspray to eradicate marker stains. Spraying a bit of the hair product directly onto the stain will help you to blot it away with a clean, white rag or cloth. After removing the stain, you can then use a little bit of clean water to wet the rug and thoroughly clean it of excess hairspray.

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